Credio Client for PHP
Public Attributes | List of all members
Credio\ErrorCodes Class Reference

Define Credio Error codes. More...

Public Attributes

const NO_ERROR = 0x00000000
 no error. More...
const LICENSE_EXCEEDED = 0x00000001
 exceeding license limits. More...
const INVALID_REQUEST = 0x00000010
 invalid request. More...
const INVALID_PATH = 0x00000011
 invalid path. More...
const INVALID_REGEX = 0x00000012
 invalid regular expression. More...
const GENERIC_NAME_TOOLONG = 0x00000013
 name is to long. More...
const GENERIC_NAME_INVALID = 0x00000014
 name is not valid. More...
const GENERIC_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000015
 object not found. More...
const TOKEN_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000101
 token not found. More...
const PERMISSION_DENIED = 0x00000102
 access violation. More...
const DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000103
 domain not found. More...
const INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 0x00000104
 invalid credentials. More...
const PAMPROFILE_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000105
 nss profile not found. More...
const RESOURCE_INUSE = 0x00000106
 in use within other resources More...
const NETCLIENT_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000107
 network client not found. More...
const USER_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000108
 user not found. More...
 connection not allowed for domain. More...
const INVALID_OLD_PASSWORD = 0x00000201
 invalid old password. More...
const REMOVING_OWN_ACCOUNT = 0x00000202
 removing your own account is not allowed. More...
const CHANGING_OWN_PASS_WOLD = 0x00000203
 changing own password, without old password is not permitted. (use userEdit instead). More...
const DOMAIN_DELETE_ROOT = 0x00000301
 root domain cannot be deleted. More...
const DOMAIN_NOT_EMPTY = 0x00000302
 domain must not contain any subdomains. More...
const DOMAIN_PARENT_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000303
 domain parent not found. More...
const DOMAIN_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000304
 domain with this name already exists. More...
const DOMAIN_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000305
 domain cannot become child of his child. More...
const DOMAIN_CHILD_OF_SELF = 0x00000306
 domain cannot become child of his self. More...
const DOMAIN_INIT_FAILED = 0x00000307
 domain initialization failed. More...
const DOMAIN_DELETE_FROM_WITHIN = 0x00000308
 domain cannot be deleted from account within the domain. More...
const DOMAIN_NAME_TOOLONG = 0x00000309
 domain name is to long. More...
const DOMAIN_NAME_NOT_VALID = 0x00000310
 domain name is not valid. More...
const RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000401
 resource not found. More...
const RESOURCE_PARENT_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000402
 resource parent not found. More...
const RESOURCE_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000403
 resource with this name already exists. More...
 system resource cannot be deleted, renamed or change parent. More...
const RESOURCE_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000405
 resource cannot become child of his child. More...
const RESOURCE_CHILD_OF_SELF = 0x00000406
 resource cannot become child of his self. More...
const USER_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000501
 user with this username already exists. More...
const USER_USERNAME_TOOLONG = 0x00000502
 username is too long. More...
const USER_USERNAME_NOT_VALID = 0x00000503
 username is not valid. More...
const GROUP_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000601
 group not found. More...
const GROUP_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000602
 group with that name already exists. More...
const GROUP_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000603
 group A cannot become member of group B becouse group B is already a member of group A. (loop) More...
const GROUP_CHILD_OF_SELF = 0x00000604
 group cannot become member of his self. More...
const GROUP_MEMBEROF_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000605
 group member not found. More...
const PAMPROFILE_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000701
 nss profile with this name already exists. More...
const PAMPROFILE_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000702
 NSS profile A cannot become member of NSS profile B becouse B is already member of A. (loop) More...
const ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000801
 attribute not found. More...
const ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000802
 attribute whit this name already exists. More...
 attribute is immune for deletion. More...

Detailed Description

Define Credio Error codes.

Member Data Documentation

const Credio\ErrorCodes::ATTRIBUTE_IMUNE_DEL_VIOLATION = 0x00000803

attribute is immune for deletion.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::ATTRIBUTE_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000802

attribute whit this name already exists.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::ATTRIBUTE_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000801

attribute not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::CHANGING_OWN_PASS_WOLD = 0x00000203

changing own password, without old password is not permitted. (use userEdit instead).

const Credio\ErrorCodes::CONN_NOTALLOWED_FOR_DOMAIN = 0x00000109

connection not allowed for domain.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000305

domain cannot become child of his child.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_CHILD_OF_SELF = 0x00000306

domain cannot become child of his self.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_DELETE_FROM_WITHIN = 0x00000308

domain cannot be deleted from account within the domain.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_DELETE_ROOT = 0x00000301

root domain cannot be deleted.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_INIT_FAILED = 0x00000307

domain initialization failed.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000304

domain with this name already exists.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_NAME_NOT_VALID = 0x00000310

domain name is not valid.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_NAME_TOOLONG = 0x00000309

domain name is to long.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_NOT_EMPTY = 0x00000302

domain must not contain any subdomains.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000103

domain not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::DOMAIN_PARENT_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000303

domain parent not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GENERIC_NAME_INVALID = 0x00000014

name is not valid.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GENERIC_NAME_TOOLONG = 0x00000013

name is to long.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GENERIC_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000015

object not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GROUP_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000603

group A cannot become member of group B becouse group B is already a member of group A. (loop)

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GROUP_CHILD_OF_SELF = 0x00000604

group cannot become member of his self.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GROUP_MEMBEROF_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000605

group member not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GROUP_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000602

group with that name already exists.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::GROUP_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000601

group not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::INVALID_CREDENTIALS = 0x00000104

invalid credentials.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::INVALID_OLD_PASSWORD = 0x00000201

invalid old password.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::INVALID_PATH = 0x00000011

invalid path.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::INVALID_REGEX = 0x00000012

invalid regular expression.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::INVALID_REQUEST = 0x00000010

invalid request.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::LICENSE_EXCEEDED = 0x00000001

exceeding license limits.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::NETCLIENT_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000107

network client not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::NO_ERROR = 0x00000000

no error.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::PAMPROFILE_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000702

NSS profile A cannot become member of NSS profile B becouse B is already member of A. (loop)

const Credio\ErrorCodes::PAMPROFILE_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000701

nss profile with this name already exists.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::PAMPROFILE_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000105

nss profile not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::PERMISSION_DENIED = 0x00000102

access violation.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::REMOVING_OWN_ACCOUNT = 0x00000202

removing your own account is not allowed.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::RESOURCE_CHILD_OF_CHILD = 0x00000405

resource cannot become child of his child.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::RESOURCE_CHILD_OF_SELF = 0x00000406

resource cannot become child of his self.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::RESOURCE_INUSE = 0x00000106

in use within other resources

const Credio\ErrorCodes::RESOURCE_MODIFY_VIOLATION = 0x00000404

system resource cannot be deleted, renamed or change parent.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::RESOURCE_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000403

resource with this name already exists.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::RESOURCE_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000401

resource not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::RESOURCE_PARENT_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000402

resource parent not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::TOKEN_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000101

token not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::USER_NAME_EXISTS = 0x00000501

user with this username already exists.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::USER_NOT_FOUND = 0x00000108

user not found.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::USER_USERNAME_NOT_VALID = 0x00000503

username is not valid.

const Credio\ErrorCodes::USER_USERNAME_TOOLONG = 0x00000502

username is too long.

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